A Flush Almost Four Rules Of Life !

I met this guy spell I was inward Albuquerque in addition to he has a motto he lives past times everyday. He said brain carefully in addition to live past times these 4 rules : Drink, Steal, Swear, & Lie.

I was shaking my caput 'no', but he in addition to then told me to brain while he explained his 4 rules. So hither they are :

1.    "Drink" from the "everlasting cup" every day.

2.    "Steal" a minute to assist someone that is inward worse cast than yous are.

3.    "Swear" that yous volition live a improve individual today than yesterday.

4.    And last, but non least, when yous "Lie" downward at nighttime give thank yous God yous are live in addition to convey freedom.
Have a Great Weekend !!

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