God Dagbladet-kronikk av forfatter Agnes Ravatn om hvorfor dagens bruk av IKT fører til konsentrasjonssvikt hos elevene: http://goo.gl/UGt6Pe
Hun påpeker at sosiale medier og andre urelaterte ting er direkte distraherende og sløser med viljestyrke, og ble (som meg) sjokkert første gangen hun hørte at elevene faktisk får lov til å sitte med laptop og åpent Internett i skoletimene.
Selv ville jeg også heller ikke latt elever ha mobilen sin nether skoledagen, men hatt et organisation hvor de må levere den inn når de kommer og få den tilbake når de går hjem.
Her er en annen Aftenposten-kronikk om skolen og Norge, skrevet av en spansk-norsk jente - "Latskap må ikke belønnes": http://goo.gl/10mQ69
"Today I volition practise what others won't, together with thence tomorrow I tin attain what others can't."
- Jerry Rice (football player)
"Nothing is large or small, except our thinking makes it so. No 1 live on knows what we're capable of doing. Go after something big. Even if y'all miss, it tin live on exhilarating."
- Lloyd Conant (of Nightingale-Conant Publishing)
"Every infinitesimal of every day, there's a battle going on within of y'all betwixt doing what is right, difficult together with of value - together with doing what is easy, fun together with of footling or no value. Which is winning now?"
- Brian Tracy
Here inward Bali it's the "Day of Silence" - the twenty-four hr catamenia after Nyepi, the Balinese novel year.
So in that place are no sounds, no purpose of electricity is allowed together with no people tin walk inward the streets.
It's pitch dark together with amount quiet everywhere. I've climbed upward to the roof of my bungalow together with spell thinking close life I'm looking at the amazingly clear sky, amount of brilliant stars.
"Today I volition practise what others won't, together with thence tomorrow I tin attain what others can't."
- Jerry Rice (football player)
"Nothing is large or small, except our thinking makes it so. No 1 live on knows what we're capable of doing. Go after something big. Even if y'all miss, it tin live on exhilarating."
- Lloyd Conant (of Nightingale-Conant Publishing)
"Every infinitesimal of every day, there's a battle going on within of y'all betwixt doing what is right, difficult together with of value - together with doing what is easy, fun together with of footling or no value. Which is winning now?"
- Brian Tracy
Here inward Bali it's the "Day of Silence" - the twenty-four hr catamenia after Nyepi, the Balinese novel year.
So in that place are no sounds, no purpose of electricity is allowed together with no people tin walk inward the streets.
It's pitch dark together with amount quiet everywhere. I've climbed upward to the roof of my bungalow together with spell thinking close life I'm looking at the amazingly clear sky, amount of brilliant stars.
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