Fabulous Morn Words !!

If you're nevertheless hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday,  
laying flowers on its grave past times the hour, 
you cannot locomote planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today.

  Joyce Chapman

I am ever doing things I can't do, 
that's how I conk to create them.

  Pablo Picasso

Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat.

  Malcolm Forbes

Hard operate without talent is a shame, 
but talent without difficult work is a tragedy.

  Robert Half

When the archer misses the mark, 
he turns as well as looks for the fault within himself. 
Failure to hitting the bull's optic is never the error of the target. 
To amend your aim -- amend yourself.

  Gilbert Arland

I can't modify the direction of the wind, 
but I tin adapt my sails to ever accomplish my destination.

  Jimmy Dean

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