Success Stories Founder KASKUS Andrew Darwis

This time I will introduce about a figure behind the most famous site in Indonesia, namely Andrew Darwis. Andrew Darwis born in Jakarta on July 20, 1979. He is the founder of the largest online community in Indonesia, namely KASKUS; one can visit their site at www. kaskus. co. id. Andrew now serves as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) PT. Darta Media Indonesia (KASKUS) and owner Kaskus Network through PT. Darta Media Indonesia. The success he achieved today is not something that instant because he needed a process and a lifelong journey.

success stories

Andrew Darwisstarted his education at the elementary Tarakanita Jakarta Pluit and then continued his education at the junior Tarakanita Pluit Jakarta. After graduating Andrew chose to continue his education at Gandhi National Senior High School, '98 Ancol Jakarta. then in 1998 after graduating from high school, Andrew Continue education at the University Bina Nusantara (Binus) majoring in Information Systems.

After finishing college in BINUS, then Andrew look for another university to continue her education. when the progress of information and technology in Indonesia has not been what it is today. this makes Andrew had difficulty in finding universities that have adequate facilities to support and fulfill his hobby. Andrew finally find a good university through information provided by a friend who had just returned from America. Andrew then went to America to continue his education and become a student at the Art Institute of Seattle Department of Multimedia and Web Design. After completing his studies at the Art Institute of Seattle in 2003, Andrew continued his education at Seattle University Master of Computer Science until 2006.

Before going to America to continue his education, both parents Andrew did not agree with her wishes. Both parents found overseas study would need a substantial amount of funds, including the cost of living is more expensive compared to Indonesia. With the desire rigors, finally, Andrew was able to convince his parents about wanting to continue their education in the United States. Albeit with the proviso that Andrew must pay their own living expenses in the United States. Andrew finally agreed to these terms and the search for cost of his own life during college in America by working oddly. In 2003 to 2008 Andrew, get a second job as a Web designer.
Andrew Darwishard struggle when studying in America proved fruitless. Andrew managed to establish KASKUS on 6 November 1999. KASKUS he founded an online community. The idea founded the online community appears when Andrew Darwisget the task of lecturers to create the program. From there than in his mind thought about creating an online community website that he later named KASKUS.

KASKUS the name he gave to the new site. Kaskus has the meaning of "machination," or so-called gossip. At the beginning of the creation of websites, KASKUS spend US $ 3. Together with two colleagues Ronald and Bob, they contain only site that focuses on news and information about Indonesia, its purpose as a medium of information for the people of Indonesia who were abroad.

It is not easy for Andrew Darwisto run KASKUS as new business. You could say at the beginning of his journey KASKUS business is very slow because to get one member can take quite long time. Within a week, Andrew was only able to get a maximum of three members. Things like that happened when they were studying in America while developing businesses that they had established.

in 2008 along with his friend, Andrew agreed to return to Indonesia and manage community sites in his own country. After moving to Jakarta, they work together in improving the performance of the business they founded when he was in America.

then Andrew not have any employees. he must take care of his own community he built. In addition, he struggled when it had to fight to convince consumers and advertisers about KASKUS. Andrew and his team strive to introduce KASKUS. After one year, many large customers who trust KASKUS. Thanks to the hard struggle of Andrew with his team, then Kaskus officially became a professional company under PT. Darta Media Indonesia.

The first six months of becoming a professional company, the development KASKUS fairly no progress. However, with hard struggle, the difficult conditions it turned better, until the end of 2008. Over time, Andrew Darwisbegan to see a great potential in Indonesia that he can use as a business opportunity. He saw the development of online business in Indonesia is growing and progressing from year to year. From there Andrew Darwissure if the great potential that is able to support the development KASKUS future.

From the initial set up until now, KASKUS has about 6 million members with more than 30 million visits each month and if you see, the number of members is not wrong if Andrew Darwisprovides designations for KASKUS, which he founded as The Largest Indonesian Community. As a result of the number of members began to grow rapidly, the company decided to add a new server which until now was recorded already has 26 servers in Indonesia and two in the US. The addition of these servers aimed to comfort access to the members. Today, KASKUS able to get a new member in the range of 150-250 people per day.

With so much content in KASKUS, without a doubt Andrew mentions Buy Sell content and Lounge as favorite visited kaskuser (member KASKUS). The newbie who came from all corners of Indonesia can use this content for online business transactions. In one day alone, 80 thousand a list of items, included in the Forum (FJB). Due to continued growth, advertising revenue flowed to the company. Said Andrew, originally ad content is very difficult to come by because many companies are not familiar with KASKUS. However, due to hard work and efforts to introduce the public to KASKUS continuously, companies that want to advertise their products in KASKUS continue to rise and many even on the waiting list. This time to operate KASKUS, Andrew assisted 30 employees are divided into teams of marketing, IT, and creative.

Over time, KASKUS growing, and keep moving forward. Business progress KASKUS developed by Andrew, the more increase his income to about 600 million rupiahs per month. Andrew claims will continue to develop the website.

Now, men are known to the newbie as "Mimi" (Admin) this should be proud because KASKUS has become a phenomenal site that has its own terms that no other forum sites. He went into the ranks of talented young entrepreneur’s pride of Indonesia. Various awards are coming from abroad or from the country have also been achieved.

Many things that we can get to see the success stories that have been achieved by Andrew Darwis.

First, to get the success we must seek knowledge as much as we can. Never even feel hesitant in their studies, be assured that once we get the science that will lead us to success.

Second, do not forget to ask for the blessing of both parents, because they will ease the way blessing us in the process of studying.

Third, we must dare to dream and dare to make it happen. Do your best to realize the dream. In the process needed to make it happen any intention and embroidery round. One thing we must remember, everything depends on. on what we intend, if the intention alone is not strong, how can we realize what we wanted.

LAST, in this world there is no instant success achieved by, due to the success we want to get to go through a long process, heavy, steep, and exhausting. We also need to be observant in seeing every opportunity that comes before us and let us not miss it. In addition, the need to work hard and be consistent with what we try to get what we want, that is the success.

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