Health Benefits of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking does not mean you ignore the situation is not pleasant, but rather to face the inconvenience in a more positive and productive. You think the state of the best will happen, and not the worst. Positive thinking often begins with talking to myself.

Positive thinking

If the thoughts in your head are negative, then it is a likely pessimistic view of life, if your mind is positive, then you may be an optimistic person. Some studies claim the pessimistic and optimistic personality can affect the health and well-being in many aspects. Here, we will take some of the benefits of an optimistic attitude, which will be described below.

Increases the likelihood of longevity
Researchers at the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Medicine found that women who are menopausal, but has an optimistic nature, will live longer and are less at risk of developing diabetes or hypertension (high blood pressure) when compared with their peers who are pessimistic. The researchers analyzed data from 100,000 women, and the result is that women who are optimistic have a risk as much as 30% smaller die from heart disease, compared with women who are pessimistic. The women are pessimistic also have the opportunity 23% of cancer deaths.

Fighting depression

Pessimistic thinking is one factor that lead to depression, according to Psychology Today. By changing your thinking to be positive, then you will combat depression. Cognitive therapy is to change patterns of thinking can improve one's feelings and a major part of the treatment of depression.

Strengthening the immune system

Positive thinking is believed to help fight colds and other illnesses. However, according to a study in 2003 on the New York Times stated that negative thinking could only weaken the immune response to the flu. This is due to the large electrical activity in the brain when you think so it can weaken the immune response against influenza as measured by their antibody.

Beat various illnesses

People with positive thoughts will recover faster from surgery, and to overcome serious illness better, such as cancer, heart disease, and AIDS, according to Psych Central, a mental health social network operated by mental health professionals. A study of first-year law student found that people who are more optimistic than other students are have immune cells better.

Coping with stress well

When faced with a stressful situation, the positive thinker can cope with the situation more than the negative thinkers can. In one study, researchers found that when people are optimistic face disappointment (for example like no acceptable job or fails to rise to positions), they are more likely to focus on the things they can do to resolve the situation.

Rather than drowning in feelings of frustration or with things they cannot change, the optimist will draw up plans and consult others for help and advice. Pessimists assume that the situation is beyond their control and there was nothing they could do to change it.

Makes you tougher

Resilience refers to our ability to address the problem. Tough men can face a crisis or trauma with strength and determination. Instead destroyed in the face of stress, they prefer to continue and overcome these difficulties. This proves that positive thinking plays a role on toughness. When faced with challenges, people who think see what they can do to resolve the problem.

The researchers also found that in the midst of a crisis, such as a terror attack or natural disaster, thoughts and positive emotions encourage the development and provides a shield against depression. By maintaining positive emotions, even when faced with terrible events, people can reap the benefits of both short term and long term, including managing stress levels, reduce depression, and develop the ability to recover can be useful.

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