We Treasure Actual

We often wrong in addressing our real treasure. Many people who accumulate wealth in banks, stock investment, buy land, houses, cars, and so forth. Is it true that all that is our truth?

Moral Stories

To answer, let us learn the story of Mrs. Emma very simple:

Emma's mother is a woman whose job gathers plastic waste from packaging. Just to get it, he must pick it up in the river. Middle-aged women, thin, her hair tied back, a lot of white colors it is 54 years old, and here are excerpts of my conversation with Mrs. Emma.

"Good morning…"

"Morning. Yes, sir what is up? "Asked Mrs. Emma  ...

"I am a writer; get to see the story of someone's mother. We would like to speak briefly, can you...? "I explained.

"Oh  ... can, please come in."

Mrs. Emma entered through the back door. I waited at the front. Not long, electric light the flame in her living room, and the front door was opened.

"Please come in…"

I went into the 'living room' filled with two wooden chairs were already wobbly. Place the holder foam that has been perforated at the edge. Apparently, Mrs. Emma just turns on the electric lights when there are guests only. If the house was abandoned, regular power is turned off. Frugality she said.

"One moment yes sir, I take a drink of water," said Mrs. Emma.
Mrs. Emma is meant to take drinking water is light the stove with firewood and above it, there is a pot filled with water. Mrs. Emma had to boil water used to provide drinking water for his guests.

"Yes, ma’am  ... guns have bothered." It bothers me.

We began to chat.

Emma's mother age 54 years, the main job collecting plastic and sold for the US $ 0.5 per kg. When I asked his activities besides looking plastic,

"Reading the Book of Holy Qur’an ...," she said.

"Today any kind ma’am ...?" I asked

"On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday ..." he replied. Friday and Sunday is a day to accompany his mother who cared for at home.

Oh... so read the Qur'an so apparently the most activity. It turns out in the recitals, usually mothers teaching that definitely got drinks packaging, voluntarily and automatically collect glasses of mineral water bottled in plastic and become souvenirs for Mrs. Emma.

Hmm, apparently drank water while diving. While reading the Qur'an can be plastic.

I asked again,

"The farthest sermons where Mom?"

"In the near terminal Bubulak, no recitation mosque every Saturday. I am always present; religious teacher nice anyway ... "said Mrs. Emma.

"Dong car ride there ...?" I asked.

"I walk," said Mrs. Emma

"Why walk ...?" I asked curiously.

Mrs. Emma income of about US $ 0.5 a day. I want to know the allocation of money for their daily lives. Confused how can survive on $ 0.5 a day.

"Yeah  ... sir, I walk away from here. There is a shortcut, though it should be through the rice fields and small roads. If I walk, I had some money khan $ 0.2, which should make the cost, now that I set aside for alms to the chaplain ... "Mrs. Emma explained.

"That is, $ 2 the mother gives to a teacher?" I gaped. Mrs. Emma, the guns have money, I muttered to myself.

"Yeah, that $ 2 I love all the teachers ... for charity." Said Mrs. Emma, flat.

"Why Mom, why is given to a teacher?" I was stunned.

"Because if I give willingly, $ 2 already definitely belonged to me in the hereafter, noted by God ... If I have money left over, can ONLY fortune of others, perhaps sustenance retailer’s rice, sugar retail merchants, retail merchant’s kerosene.... "Mrs. Emma explained, so it sounds like a family financial management specialist terrific.

Dzig! I like getting punched Mike Tyson (The Boxer). A landslide!
There is a simultaneous hair standing on my neck and arms. I Goosebumps!

So, Mrs. Emma aside money, $ 2 from USD $ 5 a day for the wherewithal to a religious school for thinking that that was going to be right in the hereafter later?

'Interview' exact imitation was immediately ended. I said goodbye and said that when it was published, I will meet with Mrs. Emma back, maybe next week.

Life is fleeting ... while...

We are given time in the world to set up a real life in the hereafter.

Those who collect only for worldly wealth, so that all would be left...

However, the goods are ready to collect his property for the Hereafter, and then we will definitely attack it....

Have we set up our real property for future lives?

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