The Complete Lack Of Love

Love was created so that between you and your partner can respect each other and complement each other's deficiencies. And indeed should respect each other was formed by you and your spouse did love each other.

find love

Heart and feelings are something that we cannot force it. Can not be denied that no man in this world is created perfectly. The reason is what makes us be mutual respect and complement each other and of course, this will strengthen love relationships that we have developed.

Love is a gift that god gave to the loveliest of every human being to be owned and ultimately aims to establish a better human being. God never gives us anything without purpose. However, it all came back to us as human beings how to respond to that love. Because often we are blinded by the liver that is too much in love and finally we are at the logic mengebelankan skhirnya makes us astray for one in choosing the right person for our love.

We must realize that love is to complement each other and our partner's imperfections we and not contrary to hurt each other and despise each other with each other. Because if we hurt each other, then build our relationship will only bear hurt and resentment of each other.

Remember one thing. Fight for the unity of love is much harder than fighting to get a love. But if you and your partner trust each other and are committed to maintaining the integrity of the relationship of love, then I am sure you will love to survive until old age and ends happily.

Sometimes we think that this love does not deliberately present as previously we never know to whom our hearts will be lean. True love and soul mate or our spouse is a plan of God so that we get happiness. So when we were offered a choice by God to anchor our hearts, then choose those that really can make us a great and could understand our circumstances and conditions.

In love, we can not only use the heart and the feelings of love without using logic and mind. We must consider the logically prior to really love someone. We have to see first how the actual figure of people we like.

And finally our own should be able to open our hearts and minds that we had to run and integrate hearts, our feelings of love and logic in taking a decision. Love is not always just a matter of the heart without prioritizing impose logic. Because the liver without logic will only bring injury at the end of a love story that we strive for.

We are human beings who most perfect surrogate given by the god of heart and mind. With a heart and mind go hand in hand, so we can establish a relationship of true love. Namely mutual respect and fill the existing deficiencies in our respective partner.

Be someone who loves not just because of the advantages of our partners, but also be a person who appreciates a shortage partner and always trying to cover up the shortcomings with the advantages we have.

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