Make Everyday Your Best 24-Hour Interval !!

Tears Express Real Feelings More Than Words, 
Touch Shows More Care Than Words,
Words... When Used Properly Can Hold Tears 'n Touch The Heart.. !

Some People Accidently
Walk on your Feet together with Apologize...
While to a greater extent than or less People
Walk all Over your Heart and 
You don't fifty-fifty Realize. 

"The Heart is the entirely auto that works 
without whatever repairing for years."
Always conk on it HAPPY.....
whether it is 'yours' or 'others'.

Each successful soul has a painful story
Each painful floor has a Successful ending
Accept the pain
Achieve the gain
That's Real life.

The hardest business office of
missing friends is non their absence,
it’s when u think
of all those gud times
and inquire yourself, 'Will those moments always laissez passer on off again?’!!!

A Broken Trust Can Be Described As
A Melted Chocolate
No Matter How Hard you lot Try To Freeze It,
It Will Never Returns To
Its True Shape .

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