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You tin hand the axe easily justice the grapheme of others past times how 
they process those who tin hand the axe practice zero for them or to them.

  Malcolm Forbes 

Look at a 24-hour interval when y'all are supremely satisfied at the end. 
It's not a 24-hour interval when y'all lounge approximately doing nothing; 
it's when you've had everything to do, too you've done it.

  Margaret Thatcher

Anger is a prelude to courage.

  Eric Hoffer

You cannot tailor brand your province of affairs inwards life, 
but y'all tin hand the axe tailor make your attitudes to stand upward for those situations.

  Zig Ziglar

Never say people how to practice things.  
Tell them what to practice too they will surprise y'all alongside their ingenuity.

  General George S. Patton

The basis cares real petty virtually what a homo or adult woman knows; 
it is what a homo or adult woman is able to practice that counts.

  Booker T. Washington

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