A well-developed feel of humour is the pole that adds balance
to your steps every bit y'all walk the tightrope of life.
William Arthur Ward
The sages produce non visit that making no mistakes is a blessing.
They believe, rather, that the keen virtue of human being lies inwards his ability
to right his mistakes in addition to continually brand a novel human being of himself.
Wang Yang-Ming
"Once nosotros detect how to appreciate the timeless values inwards our daily experiences,
we tin bask the best things inwards life."
Harry Hepner
We must, indeed, all hang together or, nearly assuredly,
we shall all hang separately.
Benjamin Frankli
Things plough out best for the people
who brand the best of the means things plough out.
Art Linkletter
As one's fortunes are reduced,
one's spirit must expand to fill upwards the void.
Winston Churchill
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