Heartbreak Could Have Caused Sudden Death

Don't grieve long when you're heartbroken. According to experts, the condition of the broken heart or sad experienced by someone more drove him to death.

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Alerts you of Live science, according to Assistant Chief of Psychiatry at Zucker Hillside Hospital in New York, Scott Krakower, it could be justified. The medical world knew the term broken heart syndrome.

Krakower lays out, the condition of pressure can be created by the departure or death of someone who was adored. Also, the scary situations like violence in the household or fights.

According to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in 2014, know or find someone who loved or spouse died may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke in some months later.

The researchers found seniors who lose a spouse of his life two times at risk of having a heart attack or stroke 30 days after the death of the husband than people who did not lose.

Krakower stated the frequency of occurrence of stroke due to broken heart syndrome, but there is a few cases ever recorded. 

"However, a person will more likely have a heart attack or stroke in the aftermath of the death of someone close to him, either related to broken heart syndrome or not," says Krakower.

Krakower added it is important for people left to grieve and express their feelings, not keep inside. When you feel there is a certain physical symptom after losing someone, then it should check your doctor.

One example of the latter is when Debbie Reynolds who left her favorite son, Carrie Fisher. Reynolds died lapse one day after the death of Fisher. Fisher's departure leaves a profound grief at her mother.

this made soluble Reynolds overtake the children.

That also happens with a robbery that occurred at the Polomas, can be traumatic for those who abandoned the victim.

According to the American Heart Association (AMA), broken heart syndrome is also known as stress-induced cardiomyopathy and taiko tsubo cardiomyopathy. That is syndrome can occur even in those with normal alias does not have a history of chronic diseases such as the heart.

That is syndrome occurs when a portion of the heart muscle enlarges temporary and not able to work pumping blood, but the core of the others work normal even harder.

This condition can trigger irregular heartbeat, or heart became too weak so that the blood is not flowing throughout the body.

According to the AHA, some symptoms of this broken heart syndrome may include chest pain and shortness of breath.

These symptoms are the same as a heart attack. But the broken heart syndrome, sufferers don't experience the blockage of a blood vessel or heart damage.

"The cause for sure from this broken heart syndrome remains unclear. But scientists have put forward several allegations, including the Excess levels of stress hormones and blood in the artery spasm, "says Krakower.

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