10 Things Not To Do On Social Media After Breakup

When a relationship ends, you will feel the sadness. Sadness and turmoil that does no harm. It goes without saying that when you lose someone who's been together for quite a long time.

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However, sometimes the social media used as containers to express it. Even though we know, not all of them we have to share. Then, IDN Times got things not to do on social media after breaking up.

1. don't immediately delete your relationships on Facebook.

Don't make yourself look very childish by directly removing the relationship status of you. Better you told me instantly with friends nearby. Do not let people who don't care about you even know precisely in advance.

2. do not remove him from your friend.

You think by removing photos; instead, you will feel better? It is not. You will only add to the longing. You will only use your social media accounts are still being friends with him to have a look. Just a lie anyway? So don't delete him. But, hold yourselves for not a lot of notice.

3. do not create a status that makes you look weak without him.

Do not ever. You will only be more visible is not anything. You even seem so weak just because one person has left you. You still have a better life. Don't make people very Agnes Think of you.

4. do not upload photographs of him with the caption messes.

You will look increasingly weak and Agnes. Thus you are getting can not move on if you still see his face in your account.

5. Stop stalking.

Stop and never get started. You will only worsen the problem. Even the more precisely you cannot avoid his shadow.

6. do not rush his new girlfriend with friends.

You know that he's got a new boyfriend. Don't you ever try to find out who his new girlfriend? Let alone, because you have a life of its own, so too with him. Better you listen to your condition itself to be able to move on from him.

7. do not remove the entire photo of you together in social media.

Many are doing this. However, fixed to you thus will make you regret one day. You there will be a period where miss him, it's not wrong, then it takes photos like that. Better you replace it for personal photo albums only. So it's only you who can still see it.

8. Don't rush showing off your new girlfriend in your social media.

Suppose you still be friends your ex on social media, never you conversed with cordial with prospective new boyfriend in your social media. It will make it hurt, but you will only be visible very quickly to switch to the other. Then, with a personal chat is sufficient. Hold yourself not fast to Display it. If even not so with this new candidate, you also new anyway?

9. Do not create fake accounts to send messages.

Don't ever do that. You will only make yourself look weird. Especially if you're caught. Then, a very shy in ye natural. Are you certainly not with it?

10. do not create a status that is insulting.
After don't make controversy status, do not create a status of insulted. Don't be Offends him, and it only makes you appear to have no authority. You are like children who can not lose her dolls. You even look evil and have the mentality of bad.
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