Tips Facing Trials and Burdens of Life

Not ever the hell you feel that you are the most unfortunate people worldwide? The most tormented world? Or maybe you believe that God hates you because you always be checked against that of your life? If I still used to feel like that, because it used to be even until now I often get enough life ordeal made me of depression and stress.

how to deal with failure

Not easy indeed through all the ordeal, but fortunately this trial now who've approached feels lighter because maybe I've accustomed times Yes. Well, I'm sure all people must have never been confronted with such thing as trials, ranging from mild to severe. Most of them are pretty terrible to create face trials heavyweight, but others are too weak to face the ordeal that I not very heavy-weight, to make them feel that they are the most tormented world.

Hehe, sorry, dishonoring, but let me so "kick" make you guys let me not most complain. Because you guys should know, that may be out there are lots of people who are faced with the temptations of a much heavier than you guys are natural now, but they chose not to complain.

Actually, how do I firm so we can face the trials and burdens of life? According to my thought, this I just a matter of the mindset. Already know or not it means mentality? The mind set that is a "mindset," so does that mean our how to setting our thoughts. For example, new girlfriend broke up with you; certainly, most of the controversy would be sad? mindset here is how you can let your mind setting not sorry.

"Ah now that I wrote the same disconnect him, anyway he builders of infidelity. So sad for what? "

Well, that last example is an excellent set of mind, where you set up a positive thing in mind you about things that happen to yourself (the same dropout boyfriend). Still not understand? I would make a special for discussion of this. Well, for now, we return to the topic first.

Tips are facing trials in Life You believe not actually if an ordeal that just right for us? Try Ye observe Beach warning, a lot of great people that once were his life challenging, full of temptations. And even some of them have to fight half-dead just to survive. The result? They can be so tough that people are willing to face the challenge of making it so people can afford that is considered excellent. And it was all because they try hard to keep unruly when facing trials.

How to strong so that we can face the trials of life? Yes, you change mindsets. Is an ordeal often regarded as an accident right? Well, the word "accident" that you should change. Why? I think the word disaster was impressed too negative so make us feel down. It would be better to reply we replace the word "test." As I mentioned above, mainly an ordeal inflicted on us, of course, there is the goal. Try our analogy and or we do the parable of this ordeal. You analogized as a smartphone. Before being marketed or sold, evidently, the creator wanted a "product" that he was of sound quality. The better the quality, the more "high" price anyway.

And to get the best quality smartphone that certainly will be conducted a series of experiments. Products that would Slam, kicked, soaked or anything to test its quality. Well as that is roughly the time we are facing trials. So here's our mindset is:

We get trials not because God hates us, but because it wants to see how high we survive the ordeal. The more you persist, then the better "quality" yourself.

So in the face of trials, we must be sincere if we want tests it could be useful to make us have a "quality." Who would not want to be the same "stuff" of real quality? It was the first points.

Face trials, not run away from him because of the temptations of life is the "test ride."
You surely know the schoolgirl? In the school, there are levels differentiated into specific classes. The higher the level that we occupy, then the lesson we get will be more challenging and complex (complicated). Well, here we analogical our lives as life at the school. For example, you still grade 1 elementary school. When going up to the grade 2 elementary school, indeed you would be given a "test" first isn't it? The goal is to find out whether you are worthy to take the class. And if you pass the test, then you deserve and are entitled to the next level. And as I've mentioned above, the higher the level, the more weight it will also test.

Here the mindset we are:
The test or trials live it, is a "process" so that we get better again. If you get through it well and the most important thing is, to be honest, then you deserve to ride to the next level with high quality.

Why BE HONEST I emphasize? Because people can graduate with applies dishonest or fraudulent in through exams, for example, by cheating, by answer keys and so on. Kalo said people are often doing it anyway "a critical pass." In fact, moving in a way as it doesn't benefit anything for us. Try you see those who are dishonest, do they get through the "tests" at the school with good if they can't cheat? If they could resolve the problem correctly if they couldn't buy answer keys? Of course not.

Well, the point of prevailing dishonest in the face of this exam is to run away from reality. People are already accustomed to run away from reality (in the example above is cheating or cheating) to pass an exam will made dizzy and the controversy with the trials (test) that will come next. Because as I've said, the higher the Your level, it will be the difficult exam that must be faced. But, if you are already accustomed to facing the test, then the next exam will be easy because you already know how to for through it. So, face the ordeal we and so that trials does not feel too heavy. It is the second point.

Trials is to warn us
Not once you feel the loss will be something valuable in your life? The girlfriend is taken people for example. EIT, it also included trials tablets. Or maybe you feel that too many individuals who don't like you, so you hardships find friends in life? You know why we are given such an ordeal? The aim is none other than to remind us that there is something wrong with us, but what? Once again the mindset of the key role that we are aware of this. Yes, I love a little for example.

Every cause there must be due, such is his law. For example, our girlfriend was taken, yeah now that's it. Hihi, Yes, we take that example. For example, a girl we captured people, it's a sign that something is not right with us. For example? Yes, there is considered to him before he decided to leave us. Somehow our attitude is not usual, emotion, or maybe because we face less handsome or beautiful? 

So the bottom line here is:

We were given trials to warn us so that correct errors in us, to be able to become better, of course.

If for example we cannot be checked as it is, is not necessarily the right we would realize what our mistakes? Thus the trials is also an important thing in our lives.

So every ordeal there must be objective, and I think the third point above already suffice for discussion this time. And remember, maybe you need to digest this writing that you understand what I mean. Well maybe it can write I wrote in this post. May be able to open the minds of all viewers to be more brave, honest and sincere in the face of temptations.

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