The Danger of The Attitude of Don't Want to Forgive

When others are hurting us, mistakes were made or not, often very difficult to forgive people who cause us pain. Often, the difficulty in forgiving is comparable to the pain that has occurred. Someone who has been hurt, or a loved one have been injured, whether it's a physical pain, emotion, or combine both, felt that as if it is no longer possible to forget the feelings of anger and hurt.

god forgives and forgets
However, there is a lovely reward when you can forget the pain of heart or bitterness. The reward is worth the effort is taken to get over the anger and allow oneself to be healed and forgiving.

First, the inability to forgive makes a person remain in the past; focus on the things that cannot be changed. Remember to keep something in the past not only futile but also unhealthy. Still dwelling on the events in the past, whether it's a real mistake or just supposition, blocking someone for removing toxic and damaging the tartness that hurting people who feel more hurt than anyone to whom anger is aimed.

Also, hold your feelings don't forgive blocking someone from progress to make him a better person. When a person retains a sense of being unwilling to forgive in a sustainable way and do not want to remove it, this makes the situation did not change. Someone who does not want to forgive doesn't have room in his heart to receive the personal growth and awareness of self. While it's often difficult to forget the past to regain the ability for personal growth, and forward overcoming anger in the past, but such efforts are always worth it.

Being someone who cannot forgive also makes us unable to build up, strengthen, or repairing valuable relationships. Sometimes, if a person who make mistakes sorry and trying to reconcile and apologize, then someone who does not want to forgive declined the opportunity to have a healthy relationship with a person who has not yet been Forgiven him. In this situation, having a healthy relationship with that person may become impossible. However, irrespective of the personal conditions of the individual who is offending, forget the bitter feelings will benefit the injured and help him forward overcoming the pain in the past.

When a person unable cannot forget the pain in the past, eliminate the tartness and forgive others, he's easier to find peace for himself. He will become happier. He will have more power to be given to friends, spouses, children, and anyone who needs it.

The ability to forgive confers many advantages to the forgiving which doesn't he got if he does not allow himself to forget his anger. He will prevent a tartness is not to damage him, he will move forward and find a time for personal growth, and he will achieve peace for herself. Now, he will give himself for those around him.

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