You deserve to be happy, and it's time to move on. It's not that then you accept anyone who comes along, but try to open hearts, forgive that occurred in the past.
I recently got word from a friend happy, that he would get married again. Yes, again. That is was her second marriage, nearly a year after parting with the length of the first. I'm happy to hear that she's worth to be happy, and yes, it's never too late to live happily ever after.
surprised, never thought I'd as soon as this process is ' move on,' because of the injuries he received from a previous marriage. Then I realized one thing, which the greatest heartbreak could have brought people who feel it to two options: keep yourself and become cautious for the next relationship, or accept it with an open heart and believes he deserves to be happy, again.
I was the first option. Heartbroken that crushes my heart to shapeless again makes me very cautious in choosing the person who will be my partner. I am afraid of disappointment, fear hurt more, the fear of getting hurt, and a relationship with a man who tried to approach me usually end with the word ' not ' used.
This my friends are much more his heart broken and crushed from me (if allowed to compare it with the wounds I received), divorce is not easy to be lived, and a bit much will hurt many parties too. But then, he did not make it an obstacle to getting a new love, for happiness, for a new journey.
He dared to pave the way for something new, not as I am still basking in the fear and anxiety-anxiety.
But isn't it I, you, we, also deserve to be happy? Perhaps it is the time we went ahead and let go of the past behind. It's not that then we accept anyone who comes, but not wrong it feels to try to open hearts and forgive yourself (and others) for what happened in the past.
So that my friend said.
We reserve the right to be happy.
And for my friend's: thank you. Thank you for the lesson given today. It means a lot to me.
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