If you ever try something new and failed, I am sure you are someone good talk to compared with those who felt all smooth or fine. People like that try nothing new. But you are a different person ... you know from where I know? ... Because you visited my blog lifemotivation.net and read my articles, which means you want to change your life for the better than it is today. You want to find something new that you can apply in your life.
You have a passion, and I'm sure you also had an incredible life experience. Might have been an awful lot of failure you feel and perhaps also some of you have already gotten to the level of your beliefs will hesitate to grab what you want. Could I? Did I succeed? It seems I cannot again face failure.
Things below are a few points of failure I want to share with you. I concentratefor three days putting together this article. it can be something useful for you. At least if there are people who helped with this article it would make me happy because my exertion was not useless.
Failure to create new choices
You may not absorb all the lessons you receive from your failures, but it becomes an invaluable treasure for you. The failure also became the right moment where you reflect your initial goals, look around and decide the reasons you should never give up.
The best part of a failure is that you will take to a street you've never found before.
The new doors will open, your relationship with some people will grow strong, in contrast, may also be your relationship with several others become tenuous because you failed.
Failure to train your patience
If you are a person quick to temper, when you experience a failure, it is the one thing that is natural. I think almost everyone felt the pique or anger when facing failure. But the importance of the points is never harbored pique or anger you.
The second point doesn't be trying to find things to excuse your failure. Like, I do not have the support of my partner, this is the result I do not have enough capital and don't have a personal vehicle for my mobility, I was born to a family of small minded individuals, etc.
Once you make these things as an excuse your failure, then that will be a part of yourself. You bring that reason wherever you go so will poison you.
Please remove your emotions, within reasonable limits. Maybe you want to Take it out with the cry, weep. Maybe you want to Take it out by going to the cafe to listen to live music, head to the cafe.
However, to be up there. A brilliant future still awaits you. Rise and walk again.
Failure is a source of creativity
Who wants a failure? But if you never hope to experience a failure, then the mind you are not stimulated to grow. Failed will encourage you to be more creative.
Try to remember-remember back to your childhood. If you forget, you can look at your child or little kids around you. They never fear mistakes or failure. They do all the things they want to do without thinking high risk. Sometimes they fall, but in an instant, they rose up and running again. They sometimes find a stalemate when doing a game, but they do not stop, they tried to find new solutions. As a result of their minds are so creative. We can all follow the pure thoughts of those who have not much contaminated by the surrounding environment.
Maybe you have a ' teacher ' in your life or your boss for their career. I believe that a good teacher or supervisor will direct you to dare to take risks. They have a belief that the mind that conservatives will not make out with optimal potential.
The more often you fail, your brain will be increasingly trained to face the problems and how to find the way out.
I believe everyone has a great potential with its uniqueness of each. You can see the awesomeness of the potential you have only with courage facing the problem, and there is no other way.
You gain strength with experienced misfortune
Be thankful if you experience failure or disaster. Because with the failure you are prepared to achieve greater success. You will be forced to be stronger than ever.
I will give you a bit of illustration:
You know the Chinese bamboo tree? If you include people who didn't wait for the growth of a plant, the bamboo trees may already be a victim you.
The Chinese bamboo tree will not show growth means for 6 to 7 years first, may grow only a few dozen cm only. But after this time, the growth of the Chinese bamboo tree can not be dammed, it grew so fast, and its size is no longer a cm but meters.
What happened to the Chinese bamboo tree?. During the first 6 to 7 years, he instead does not experience growth, just that we did not see its growth with the naked eye. The focus of the Chinese bamboo tree growth at that time is at the root, not on the stem. Chinese bamboo trees were preparing a firm foundation so that he could sustain the dozens and dozens of meters in height.
Imagine what happens if the Chinese bamboo tree does not have strong enough roots to support the height? A little wind alone will make it tumbles.
If you often experience a failure and feel far away from the success you dream of, does not mean you are not experiencing developments. Thus you are experiencing tremendous growth within you. you are forged and prepared towards your success. Same is the case with the Chinese bamboo tree.
If you only expect an instant result, whatever it is, your destiny will be like bamboo trees that do not have strong roots. Little jolts, you will fell so hard.
So once again be grateful with all the misfortunes and failures, you will gain strength.
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