Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, on November 25, 1835. He was born to William and Margaret Carnegie, who come from a poor family living in makeshift homes.
Andrew's father named William Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie's name is taken from the name of his grandfather, whose name was Andrew Carnegie. In addition to acquiring the name of his grandfather, was Andrew also acquired an idealistic mind and spirit of his grandfather.
In Scotland, because things are not getting better day by day, William Carnegie, and the family was eventually migrated to the United States in 1848. They wanted to pursue "the American Dream", as many people do.
However, their desire to move to America was not without difficulty; because they do not have enough money to go there. Finally, the Carnegie family decided to borrow money in order to get a better life.
Arriving in the United States, Carnegie family looking for a job in order to continue living. At age 13, Andrew worked in a cotton mill and paid $ 1.25 per week. His father also worked in a cotton mill, but later switched jobs with knitting linen.
In 1853, Andrew worked for Thomas A. Scott of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company as a secretary/telegraph operator. His meeting with Scott turned out to bring progress after in 1855 he assisted to invest $ 500 in a successful firm called Adams Express.
Of the investment, the results he used to buy back some of the Pullman Company, and then he passes by investing in fields related to railways, such as iron and steel. From there he gained enough capital to continue his efforts.
Andrew Carnegie had always encouraged factory workers to work hard day and night, but he did not forget to help ease the burden on society. When he died in 1919, he has donated money to a total of US $ 350,695,653 in the public interest.
This is all done because he believes that wealthy people should participate in the welfare of society, and it is believed that rich people do not deserve died in a state of rich, what with the participating burying their belongings.
So, the attitude of what can make him a successful entrepreneur and influential throughout the world?
At a site belonging to Evan Carmichael, an entrepreneur, and international speaker, there are five priceless lessons can we draw from the Andrew Carnegie. The five lessons have been explained by Evan, but here I will pass over, with the addition and subtraction.
Lesson One: Exceeding Expectations
Andrew Carnegie did not like carrying out the work as requested. He says he always strives to exceed expectations of themselves or others.
Furthermore, Carnegie also said ...
"Do not think that someone has really done his job when he was carrying out the work requested,"
These principles are applied by Andrew Carnegie, both when he was still working with others and when he was already leading his own company. By practicing the principle like this, Andrew Carnegie believed that the man had opened one key to success.
While still working at the factory when he was a dozen years, Carnegie says that:
"I've been able to get millions of dollars, but the flavor can not be beaten happy when I get paid my first week."
Lesson Two: Invest in Yourself
Andrew Carnegie believed that the material or physical wealth comes from the mind. Therefore, he always tried to be a positive person, regardless of the influence of the surrounding environment.
One famous quotation reads ...
"There is little success where there is little laughter,"
Carnegie knew that happy and positive attitude can help to achieve success. happy and positive thoughts that could have an impact on the physical condition. If these happy thoughts already in someone's mind, then it can help one to achieve the goal.
That's why Carnegie did not drink alcohol, because alcohol can impair a person's mind and concentration. In fact, not only the anti-alcohol, Carnegie also is someone who is against smoking. He did not question the moral problems, but he believes that the destruction of the physical condition due to alcohol and cigarettes can adversely affect the quality of work.
So, Andrew Carnegie always invests in itself, namely in health, both physically and mentally.
In addition, Andrew Carnegie also like to read a book since she was young. As he worked, he made time to read the book obtained free of charge from the library Colonel Anderson.
"The hard work during the day and even his long service in the evening are always illuminated by the book that I carry and I read on the sidelines of the task."
Lesson Three: Focus
The focus is important to implement, "Focus Your Key to Success".
This principle is also likely to make Andrew Carnegie succeed. What makes Andrew Carnegie successful is because he is always focused on one company alone. If according to Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Focus means Follow One Course Until successful. This is exactly what was done by Andrew Carnegie.
"People who are successful are those who have chosen a path and continue to focus on the road".
Carnegie said that he did not approve of the phrase "Do not put all your eggs in one basket." (Do not put all your eggs in one basket). He said that.
"Put your eggs in one basket and watch that basket. Look around you and notice that the people who do these things rarely fail. Supervise and carry the basket is easy. Trying to bring too many baskets that solve most eggs in this country. The person who carries three baskets must put it on top of the head where he could more easily fall down".
Andrew Carnegie also said that most businessmen he knew invest in another company that far, but the real gold mine is in their own company.
Lesson Four: Create a High Goal
Andrew Carnegie is a pioneer company with a turnover of billions of dollars. By the time he died, he was the richest man after John D. Rockefeller.
He can achieve it all because he always made high goals. He is a man who is not afraid to dream big.
Regarding goals, Carnegie reminds:
"Do not make a fortune as a first target, but make expediency as the first target."
Carnegie knew that if he put expediency, then wealth will follow by itself. He set a goal to be able to benefit the community with the business, then the wealth came to him.
While still working as a factory worker was Carnegie always had high expectations and goals. He says ...
"My expectations were high at the time, and every day I always wait for a change".
In his autobiography, Andrew Carnegie in 1850 revealed that he was getting "first beginning to start living". He had previously worked in a dark place with a wage of two dollars a week where it is full of dirty coal. But in 1850, he felt that he "was taken up to heaven", because he had already climbed the ranks. At that time, he was no longer working in a dirty place, but he began to deal with paper, pens, pencils, and also the sunlight.
Change for change as it kept her experience, and she got through very well because he always believed that:
"I felt that my legs were on top of the stairs, and I have to continue to climb".
In addition, Carnegie once said:
"Great destination every young man should have is to do something beyond its obligations - something that caught the attention of people who are in it."
Shows that he has high goals, and this is done by associating with those whose position higher than himself.
Having high goals as well as to think big. However, do not also think that is unrealistic. Everything needs to be accompanied with realistic thinking. Not everything will be like what we expected. So, think big, think positive, and also do not forget to think realistically.
About thinking big, you can reflect back on Benjamin Disraeli said: "Life is too short if it is only used to think small and act small ones."; and also read the book of David J. Schwartz's The Magic of Thinking Big.
Lesson Five: Give Back
"I can not imagine, what can I do with this much money."
The lesson that has probably gained the most from Andrew Carnegie.
In 1889, Carnegie made an article entitled "Gospel of Wealth", in which he stated that all the rich must use their wealth for public welfare.
"Nobody could enrich themselves without enriching others,"
"Those who died in the rich state is a disgrace."
Between the years 1901-1915, Andrew Carnegie that he can submit his wealth from hard work. In addition to making public libraries in America, he also makes libraries in other countries such as Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.
Carnegie's contribution continues to flow, until the end.
One of the educational institutions ideas, Carnegie Institute of Technology, which formerly he founded with a donation of $ 2 billion US dollars, has now become part of Carnegie Mellon University, which is also a place to teach the last Randy Pausch, a professor at Carnegie Mellon who later story inspirational recorded in The Last Lecture.
What do Carnegie is not without reason? He realized that he should share with others, and this also as a manifestation of his gratitude to the community because, without the people, he will not be successful.
Despite what was done by Andrew Carnegie is an expression of gratitude, gave unnecessary wait. There are many people who said that "When I'm rich, I'll build the mosque", or "When I'm rich, I will definitely nurture orphans". In fact, giving can be started from the smallest, do little by little, and eventually continue to increase in size over time.
This could happen, for God will give the reward for what we give. If each gives us to get a reward, and the reward that we give more, get more reward, then we give another, and so on, then the little we have given over time can be substantial.
Carnegie was so. When it has not become a rich man, he gives the best service when he was still an employee. Because of the dedication and administration at the company, so he got a wage increase, and so on so that he could have the opportunity to work together with Thomas Scott until they can provide almost all of his fortune before he dies.
Andrew Carnegie donated so great finally made public the Scotland made a statue of him to commemorate his services. Not only that, in the United States can be found a lot of things that contain the name of Carnegie, ranging from the name Hall (Carnegie Hall in the US) until the name of cactus (Carnegiea).
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