Way To Reduce High Emotions Of A Woman

You must already know that she was easy to hurt, then angry when she thinks we do not notice it. Angry women are one way to get the attention of whoever she wants, especially you as a partner. Angry it is a weapon for women.

emotional feelings

1. Anger in silence
With the typical rage of this kind, when the angry women tend to silent. You will be forced to find out for himself what the fault. It's up to how you search for it, he did not want to know. That sure is he wants you to apologize and fix your mistake. This is the hardest part. Because you will not know what you ere him.

2. Anger with words
This type of woman, when angry will shed all his heart which is why he's mad at you. You will more easily know what your mistakes to him. At least we do not have to guess what led him angry with us. But keep in mind that this type of woman can make you humiliated before the public. Sometimes when angry, his mouth could not be detained, harsh words will come out of his mouth and does not care how his surroundings.

Of two types of women over, the easiest to overcome his anger is the second type. This is because it is easy to find out what the cause of her anger. However, that does not mean the first type that can not be overcome. Basically, nothing is impossible. The following are ways to reduce the burden women with the assumption that you do not mistake a serious mistake for instance affair.

3. Do not follow angrily
Do not look for who is right and who is wrong. Because anyone is wrong, so do not need to follow angrily. Berating each other will not solve the problem. Behave calm and not create additional noise with your woman. A good man is a man who can keep calm when the female partner emotional and angry. Is not very good if an emotional response to the emotions as well. The relationship is the most important here. Do not damage the relationship that has been built well only for trivial reasons.

4. Immediately apologize
Should not be raised again who is right and who is wrong. Even if you feel that you're self-correct, apologize immediately. The first to say sorry is the people who have the magnanimity and noble character. When you apologize to your female faster, then at least his anger will quickly muffle. There will be little fresh air that enters the heart is still hot. This will reduce his emotions and anger.

5. Give flowers
After a few hours or it could be the next day, give flowers to her liking. With a note, that your woman likes flowers, if he did not like flowers, so do not give flowers.

6. Buy ice cream or chocolate
Almost all women love ice cream and chocolate. Most ice cream also contains chocolate. Brown for women as for men cigarette. This thing will make her feel better. Dopamine content in chat will make women become emotional level down and be more relaxed.

7. Leave physical and non-physical
If all of the above have not been able to make your woman's anger subsided, there is one more thing you need to do. Namely disappeared. Disappeared here means away from him and did not reach him through any path for a while. Be it physical like to meet in person or in non-physical such as texting, facebook or telephone. This will make the woman re-think about what he had done. If it is not you that is wrong, sooner or later, she will notice it and immediately look for you to apologize.

The five tips above assumptions made for your mistakes at the level of mild to moderate. While severe or fatal error categories like cheating, it feels that way will not be able to divert her attention. Indeed, it is not fair if women always win in any case. But in a relationship, there is no such thing as a win or lose. The relationship continues to run well is a shared victory. May be useful.

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