Redefining Life Challenges Positively

The journey of life certainly does not escape from a variety of problems. Since we were born, a baby is already faced with the problem to adjust to the world outside the womb of his mother, customize it with a sense of cold, heat, hunger and so on. 

Positive Thinking

As a child, felt the problem but must learn to play with a variety of extra lessons outside school hours, they want to be more independent, master the skills and knowledge to support without social pressures.

As a teenager, teenagers become time to prepare to become an adult. In the process, there are teenagers who successfully through problems but unisex some difficulties in finding its identity trapped in emotional problems and hopelessness for the future. Furthermore, in early adulthood, he was confronted with how successful and managed her career and family. In middle adulthood, the problems of the household, as a parent the ability to educate and create the next generation next.

This continues until retirement and aging where he will stay. With whom he would stay? Who is life when an old woman? Diseases of old age, loss of a spouse who is loved and dying. Yes, even ahead of even death still think about various issues, how families left behind?
Concept of Positive Thinking

The problems experienced certainly not inevitable and need a great reception when things are not achieved in line with expectations. How each person perceives something does become a problem, and how much weight to these problems. Pressures in which a person experience creates stress. However, Lazarus and Folk operate (1984) states that stress is the result of an individual assessment of an event, how to interpret an event that is stressful, and then created stress.

Someone who is able to think positively will see the problems that create stress into something less threatening than someone who likes to think negatively. Positive thoughts associated with positive emotions and other constructs such as optimism, hope, happiness, and psychological well-being. Mc Grath (in Naseem and Khalid 2010) defines the overall attitude of positive thinking as embodied in thoughts, behavior, feelings, and remarks towards growth and success.

Positive thinking is the approach of looking at the challenges in life with more positive. Which does not mean ignoring the bad things but with positive thinking person can make sense of a bad situation and trying their best the to deal with it? Learn to see the best the in others and see yourself and capabilities developed in a positive direction.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

People who think positively inclined to explain the causes of an event or known as the explanatory style. People who are optimistic, they tend to reward yourself when good things happen and generally blame outside factors as the cause of the poor results. They see negative events as something rare and temporary.

Conversely, people who are pessimistic, tend to blame themselves when something bad happens, but fails to reward yourself when good things happen. They also tend to see the negative events occur rightly and last a long time (Seligman in Cherry, 2014).

Some of the benefits of positive thinking positively interpret life's challenges include:

1. Positive thinking helps to build our skills in dealing with problems. With positive thinking person to open his mind, examine the back of the failures, the things that need to be studied later that will add to our skill if he met with similar problems. Positive thinking makes the challenge is a lesson and not a frightening thing to be avoided.

2. Become more resilient person. Resilience is believed to be a basic adaptation system (Yates, Egeland, & Sroufe in Yates & Masten, 2004). With positive thinking helps to ease ourselves to resilient amid the challenges that arise unexpectedly. People who are resilient give positive energy for both themselves and those around them.

3. Help yourself become healthier physically and psychologically. With positive thinking reduces diseases appear. Positive emotions and positive thoughts have an important role in protecting the heart and blood pressure (Affleck, Tennen & Croog in Naseem and Khalid, 2010). Positive thinking is also reducing the level of passenger car and the possibility of depression (in the Naseem and Khalid Taylor, 2010).

Positive thinking means changing our viewpoint in meaning any unexpected events in life. Positive thoughts create positive emotions; make yourself happier and spreading positive emotions to others. Let us start thinking positively today.

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