How to Motivate Yourself to Learn

Many studies show that the learning success depends not only on the intelligence of the child; rather it depends on many things, including motifs. Therefore, the efforts lead to actions motivated learning is very important. As we know, the background motif especially is the need felt by students. Then sensitize the students to the needs to be required means raises a child's learning motive. Protégé, especially the very young, many who do not understand the sense of learning and learned; for various materials and whether the lessons learned useful for the study of life in the future, he is not yet aware of.

self motivation

They generally just feel a biological necessity. The human being living in the community and not be alone; communities where various abilities and skills demands. Kids have to learn and to understand why it should be studied. Then sensitize and convince the child will sense they are educated for the position of people in society, aware and convinced of the benefits of learning materials presented by the school for later life after leaving school and so are attempts to motivate the child to learn action.

In the history of Ovid doggerel for example, well known as people who pay attention to the role of motivation in learning. Learning materials are chosen carefully and based on the points called centers of interest or "center interests" For that studied various trends in children, especially the encouragement gain self-satisfaction. In this way distinguished four centers of interest in, that relates to food, clothing, and self-defense and self-games and games or work. Therefore, it is clear that learning must be accompanied motif. Without a motive, action learning will not achieve adequate results.

Often the necessary requirements to achieve certain goals neglected by children, so the teacher or the school must create a temporary destination or artificial. For example, a teacher or a school would want to learn to drive a specific purpose and it is necessary for the improvement of student learning activities.

However, this improvement effort is not easy, it was created purpose-made (artificial). For example, the Government issued regulations or appointments, that those who can demonstrate academic achievement best in its class will earn the title of "Star Class or the most excellent academic achievement in schools would have the title of "star schools". Then the students will compete with each other, they tried to study hard, because it holds a "star" is already a requirement, in this case, social needs.

With that title, they feel they receive awards, honors, and even a symbol of praise, especially from their parents. So now they've learned actions are motivated to action, which is based on their perceived needs and directed towards the achievement of objectives, which got a "charter" or and so on. It was for the students.

However, viewed from the granting of a charter school, a teacher, or other signs it is not the purpose of education is essential, but rather as a tool to induce action motivated learning, which is the factor is expected to achieve the real purpose of education. The process of using purpose-made (temporarily) to generate the necessary activities to achieve the real purpose is the conditioning process. Purpose-made, which are intended to be pursued by students with activities that commonly referred to as reinforce.

Robert H. Davis proposed nine principles of learning that could motivate students to want and be able to learn the following:

Principle Prerequisites

Students are motivated to learn something new when you have had a provision is a prerequisite for the lesson. If a teacher ignores this, can lead to boredom for students who have mastered and vice versa or frustrating for students to feel hard and cannot be mastered.

Principle Meaningfulness

Students are motivated to learn when learning materials meant for him. Therefore, teachers should convey the subject matter connected with what happened, linked to use in the future and be associated with what is his interest.

Principles of Modeling

Students are motivated to show any behavior if the teacher (Performance Modeling) models such behavior. In this case, students will prefer to follow what the teacher of the alleged, so here apply the principle of "The Medium is the Message".

Principles of Communication Open

Students are motivated to learn when the information and hope gave him a well structured and communicative. In this case, Bruner suggested that teaching becomes more effective should the subject matter be structured well with a communicative message processing. One example of this principle is the formulation and notification instructional objectives clearly, using simple words so easily understood by students.

Principle Attractive

Students are motivated to learn the message, and the information is presented in an interesting (attractive). Therefore, teachers should always try to present the subject matter in a way interesting attention, and it would be nice if every subject matter can be followed and accepted students with intensive enough attention.

Principles of Participation and Engagement

Students are motivated to learn when to feel involved and take an active part in the activities. Thus teachers need to implement the concept of exercising their competence in the teaching and learning process because with this concept students experiencing emotional intellectual engagement in addition to physical involvement in the learning process.

Withdrawal Principle Guidance in Fade

Students are motivated to learn if the guidance and instructions of teachers are gradually withdrawn. The withdrawal became effective when the students begin to understand and master what they have learned.

Spreading the principle of Schedule

Students are motivated to learn when learning programs are scheduled in the state spread over a long period is not too long. Programs of learning for a long time and successive tend to be boring students.

Consequent principle in Exciting Condition

Students are motivated to learn when his fun instructional conditions, thus giving the possibility to learn optimally.

Intrinsic motivation has a powerful role in the learning event but even gives job. In giving, the task to the students to see and remember the correlation between students' needs and the level of motivation will be charged.

Teachers should involve dodgy "ego involvement" students. When they apply for right motivation will affect the ego involvement of students, so that each task is given will be considered as a challenge, this will cause the price to defend himself to finish the job with enthusiasm. Students will feel satisfied and self-esteem can arise when solving a given task.

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