Your Cause Irritability Factor

Each person has a level of emotion different. There are people who have a low level of emotion, some have emotional level stable, and there are also people who have a high level of emotion. However, it all depends on each individual, whether he is able to control his emotions well or not.

emotional feelings

Angry is a healthy emotion just like crying and laughing. If a person is angry, maybe it is because of fear, upset, offended or feel hurt. However, if you find your nearest excessively angry, then you should first look at the real cause. Investigate first whether she was in effect or side effects of medication or are suffering from an illness.

A Doctor Of The Royal College Of General Practitioners, dr. Helen Stokes says that the cause of the anger someone could occur as a result of the use of drugs or side effects from medication and perhaps the person is suffering from a particular disease. The following factors often cause a person to be angry:

1. Stroke
When people have a stroke, then he will not be able to again perform the activities as before. Parts of the body affected by stroke will not be driven normally. People who do not have much patience will become irritable when faced with this disease. Tidka especially if there are people who serve full time.

2. Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism occurs because the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone to the body. This condition is usually experienced by women. This will affect the thyroid hormone in the body's metabolic system. Thyroid hormone is very influential on feelings such as anxiety, nervousness and concentration. More thyroid hormone produced by the body, it will further increase the anxiety, nervousness and difficult to concentrate. When these overactive thyroid hormones, then it might be the cause of your loved ones become grumpy.

3. Cholesterol Drugs
One is a statin cholesterol drug content. If a statin is taken in high doses, the side effects are acceptable is easy to lose patience or extremely irritable. This is because the statin will make lower serotonin which causes an increase in depression and may result in death.

4. Deabetes Disease
Someone who is suffering from a disease deabetes, anger will increase. Imbalance of sugar levels in the body can cause an imbalance of serotonin in the brain. This resulted in a person with diabetes to be more aggressive, confusion, anger excessive and often even panic.

5. Depression
A person suffering from depression will become irritable, restless excessive, shame, guilt, and causes a feeling that she is unworthy or unappreciated.

6. Autism Disease
This developmental disorder can affect normal brain growth and influence bersosial skills and communicate with others. Many things that the sensory stimulant for which can ultimately increase the rage for people with autism disease. Not to mention the mockery and ridicule from peers.

7. Alzheimer's Disease
This disease is a form of dementia that affects demesia or brain function including emotional behavior and personality. It can cause flare-ups.

8. Sleeping Pills
Types of sleeping pills such as benzodiazepines work by slowing the various functions of the brain to calm down and relax, making it easier to sleep. But in fact the reduction of brain function is compensated by the increased levels of anger someone. Especially if the sleeping pills do not work properly, for example after taking sleeping pills turned out he was not able to sleep well.

9. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Pre-menstrual syndrome in women occur due to imbalance of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Women become more irritable for no apparent reason. Lady mood could change during the last two weeks of the menstrual cycle or dpada two weeks before menstruation.

See 9 above causes, you now understand that anger someone who is probably the one you love is not necessarily come from the ego. Factors of disease and drugs that can also affect the dikunsumsinya and angered unnatural.
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