The word out of our mouths could be a double-edged blade. If the name is bad, the resulting effect is not just hurting the feelings of others but can be a barrier to success. How can that be?
Lexi, 39 years old, telling about the condition of his career. "I started my career as a private employee. After years of building relationships and getting a lot of experience, I started trying to do their own business. Passing small firms in the field of this garment, I can generate extra income to the household. However, at the point of my efforts are starting to be stable I am experiencing an unyielding demotivation. So I am not 100% manage my efforts and finally back to the point zero. " What happened with Lexi is equal to some of the experiences and stories delivered by practitioners of Ego State Therapy, Anthony Wise, in his book "the secret to destroying the Mental Block." According to Arif, belief or conviction of people toward something can inhibit the achievement of success. That is called the mental block. Then, as to what those beliefs and what the cause is inside a person?
Inthe work, the negative views that may be owned by an individual may be "I am worthless," "I don't deserve success," or "anything I do will lead to failure." It is this conviction that stuck in our subconscious so that under certain conditions can be a barrier we achieve something. The body has a tremendous ability that sometimes we do not realize. Including the capacity of the brain to record something.
When asked about his childhood, Lexi is compared to his older brother pleads thatalways have a higher value. Because of the age that is not linked to far, Lexi and her brother went to school in the same place. Therefore, the comments about her and her sister not only come from the parents but even from teachers and friends. The incident only happened during elementary and JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, but fatal to Lexi was growing up. He felt that as successful as any himself, cannot appease her parents and won't be able to surpass the success of the elder sister. According to him, any form of business which he did would end up in vain.
Arif outlines in his book some of the causes of negative beliefs can appear. The reason that most seem to come from the words of others that embed into the brain. Mental block low self-esteem or always felt failed to appear because often get the criticism does not build or spicy comments from family, friends, or the surrounding environment. Verbal bullying that doesn't need to repeat done, one time only statement bad cast, could be the cause of Unsuccessfulness in a long time. Negative comments will be the easier it comes in the brain when delivered by people who should be our support system.
The experience of being victims of verbal bullying is already happening and could not avoid, but there are several methods which can be done most easily someone while on the mental condition of the block.
Each of you feels something is blocking without even realizing, you ask yourself, what kind of sentence is most often appears: worthless (worthless), there is no hope (hopeless), or helpless (helpless). After that, practice changes the negative sentence into a sentence that is positive. Example: mental block Statement: "I am not confident when dealing with someone stronger than me," try to replace it with, "I am convinced when dealing with people who are better than me because I created to success."
Find someone who is most comfortable to talk. Tell your conditions being the experience. In this situation, you do not need someone who gives a solution, but a good listener.
Start with your body. When your body begins to move, then so is the mind.
Ask yourselves on the extent of the damage which would you get if mentally blocked nonetheless occurred. Through these fears and insecurities can motivate to start doing something.
There is no smoke when there is no fire. The mental block which belonged to people whom you loved ones can be derived from the accustomed you commented without thinking. Want to be the cause of the failure of the life of others? So, please, just think twice before you speak!
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